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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2022 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 107 people whenever they want them, whenever they want to review or refresh. Greek: Yes, and they can go back and review the material. Goldman: It's interesting that you don't really get to IPC meetings but have still contributed a great deal—as evidenced by this award. Do you have any additional thoughts on the award or on IPC? Greek: I think of it as the squeaky wheel award. I am just thrilled that IPC was so willing to take what trainers were saying and really take action to resolve those issues. Goldman: Maybe a squeaky wheel but also the beta tester, providing input, working on the program, and providing feedback, which obvi- ously helped shape the training materials. I don't know if that makes you a squeaky wheel, but maybe like a steering wheel? Tabbatha, it's been very nice talking with you. anks so much for your time and again, congratulations. Greek: It has been great talking with you. ank you so much. S&T Automotive Initiatives Make Headway at IPC APEX EXPO By Tracy Riggan IPC SENIOR DIRECTOR, SOLUTIONS A significant number of automo- tive activities made notable strides at this year's IPC APEX EXPO. Sev- eral committees dedicated to creating and updating automotive addenda for existing IPC standards, like assembly processes, PCB fabrication, and high- voltage cable, met and were led by companies like Toyota, Bosch, Continental, and Elmatica. Automo- tive dedicated groups, like the Cold Joining/Press- fit Task Group, also met and discussed inclusions in its next planned revision. As part of the IPC-6012 Automotive Addendum Task Group meeting, the group brainstormed high voltage considerations in the next revision or as separate standards, building on discussions that took place during task group meetings in conjunction with productronica 2021. Additionally, automotive was a component of educational programming, with several courses and technical papers presented throughout the week. The Press-fit Technology Deep Dive course outlined key design processes and how to use the standard for process, quality, and design/development engineers for manufacturers and OEMs who use elec- tronic components. Vern Solberg, Sol- berg Technical Consulting, conducted a course on PCB design which addressed flexible and rigid-flex applications and design principles for automotive use environments. Automotive leaders also took the stage on innovative technology, electrical test methods, and artificial intelligence in the SMT inspection process. The IPC Transportation Electronics Council (ITERC) met to review global industry survey results and discuss necessary next steps for assuring automotive electronics reliability. The council, com- prised of automotive OEMs and key automotive suppliers, engaged in thoughtful discussion about standardization and industry needs. The group generated a dynamic list of action items. To learn more about or become involved in IPC automotive initiatives, contact TracyRiggan@