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146 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2022 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE nies are struggling to meet demand, underscor- ing the need to make capital expenditures now. 6. STEM Education: Is there anything bet- ter than seeing young people have fun while learning? is year, IPC Education Founda- tion (IPCEF) once again invited students from the surrounding area to get hands-on solder- ing experience and learn about the indus- try. A highlight from the event is always the career panel, which this year was sponsored by TTM Technologies. If you missed it, fol- low IPCEF on social media; they'll be posting a video soon. Be sure to check out the talk by Jason Fullerton of CAES about his compelling career trajectory. Jason also pitched in to help students hone their soldering skills. 7. New Research: IPC released three research reports during the show. On Jan. 31, IPC released a report by Joe O'Neil on the state of the U.S. PCB industry and the need for greater public-private collaboration around R&D. e report illuminates the way in which R&D oen takes place on the factory floor during the production process and, as a result, companies fail to fully realize R&D tax bene- fits. On Feb. 2, in conjunction with IPC CEO Presenter: Hiroyuki Watanabe, Senior VP, NEC Platforms What is the most interesting question that your IPC APEX EXPO presentation answers? In this pre- sentation, we will show you how to prepare for a cyber intrusion into your factory, and how to effec- tively manage the entire supply chain, including small- and medium-sized enterprises. What is your answer to that question, and why? It has been demonstrated that a factory's cyberat- tack response BCP can be achieved by adding a cyberattack-specific rapid detection strategy based on the natural disaster response BCP. By analyzing the characteristics of the factory and the unique characteristics of cyberattacks and taking coun- termeasures, the details of the countermeasures were presented in a comprehensive and appropri- ate manner. What is the most important piece of advice that you have for your audience? The weakest point in the supply chain is the entry point for cyberattacks. This presentation should be of interest to everyone, and it provides actionable steps that everyone can take. IPC APEX EXPO: Conference Speakers Speak Out Cyberattack Response BCP (Business Continuity Plan)