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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2022 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 45 another report on this special section, which will include summaries from those companies that were presenting in this part of the show floor. Hopefully, you have noted that this edition of I-Connect007 Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO Show & Tell Magazine is bigger, better, and more detailed than ever. Not only can you find reports on activities from the show, but we feature well over 60 interviews that you will not find anywhere else. Much thanks to our IT genius, Bryson Matties, for his tireless efforts in getting these videos ready for publication. We sorely missed two of our lifelong friends and contributors, Gene Weiner and Dan Fein- berg, who were not able to attend this year. We hope to see them next year as well as any of you who stayed away for assorted reasons. All the safety considerations really worked, but, hopefully, next year the situation will be back to normal all around the world. I attend IPC APEX EXPO because the tech- nical papers are always excellent and talking to the authors is insightful. But for me, the best part of the show is meeting old friends, new students, and new engineers who are just start- ing out. at is a real treat and one that I would hate to miss. And because I live in Michigan, warm San Diego is a pleasant vacation from the cold. Attending the show reminds me that our industry is remarkably diverse. For electronics assembly, the new IPC standards and IPC-CFX are leading us in the right direction. e work on IPC-2581 Design Data Standard hopefully will do that as well. I would like to see the IPC give more attention to other standards groups, such as SEMI (currently run by a former IPC director) that has the standards for wafer fabri- cation, photovoltaics, and LCDs. eir SECS/ GEM is the preferred standard for PCB and substrate fabrication, and for electronic box build assembly, the General Motors MAPS standard. It is going to take a community to get the job done. My conversations at IPC APEX EXPO just reinforced that everyone realizes there is a need, but they feel hampered by not know- ing how to get started, a problem I am tackling with the help of the ICT and EIPC this sum- mer, where we will have an eight-hour online seminar on this topic. S&T IPC APEX EXPO: Conference Speakers Speak Out IPC-HERMES-9852 Lays the Foundation for Automated Flexible Production Presenter: Dr. Thomas Marktscheffel, Director of Product Management, ASM (Assembly Systems) GmbH What is the most interesting question that your IPC APEX EXPO presentation answers? What is needed to support data-driven workflows in an automated flex- ible production? What is your answer to that question, and why? In an SMT line, a lot of data is available, and this data needs to be linked consistently to individual PCBs to make it actionable for data-driven work- flows. What is the most important piece of advice that you have for your audience? Implement IPC- HERMES-9852 on all machines of your SMT lines to ensure consistency of each PCB and its individual data while traveling down an SMT line. This will pro- vide a sound basis for implementation of advanced data-driven workflows in your SMT factory.