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74 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MARCH 2022 generating stencil data generation, creating SMT machine programs, generating manufac- turing documents, and validating components using the Valor Parts Library (VPL). Jürgen Gagesch, SMT production engi- neer at BMK added, "With this solution, we can generate the missing CAD data from Ger- ber files and then import the accurate physical models of the electronic components from the VPL database. ese are capabilities that we haven't had before." ey create the stencil data so they can achieve a higher quality level for the SMT process. With the new integration, they were able to improve this data prep process so that they can generate these data quicker and more automatically. eir challenge is to obtain an identical footprint for all instances of a spe- cific component that is to be mounted on the board. Now, they only have to check a foot- print once, and they use that same footprint for all instances of the component. e sten- cil module lets them create their own footprint database, and then reuse footprints from pre- vious assemblies in new projects, which saves a lot of time. Finally, they adopted Valor BOM Connector for improving their BOM preparation process. is new tool is designed to make it easier to load, prepare, scrub, format, check, and com- pare BOM data. ey found they could cre- ate more accurate quotes much faster, and it provided them with a powerful database "backend" to track and reuse work for future projects. e benefits were measurable. ey noted that layout errors and incorrect assemblies were increasingly identified before the produc- tion stage. eir entire SMT process was accel- erated by 10%. Stencil preparation is now 30% quicker than before. ey can run the increas- ing number NPIs in less time, without addi- tional staff, and they can more easily run high- complexity NPIs. SMT007 Mark Laing is business development manager for Siemens Digital Industries Software, and an I-Connect007 columnist. To read past columns or contact Laing, click here. Figure 3: Robert Rudolph, BMK's head of process enhancement and senior NPI project leader.

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