PCB007 Magazine


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Page 67 of 117

68 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MARCH 2022 Interview by Nolan Johnson I-CONNECT007 Nolan Johnson speaks with Will Marsh, vice president of TTM Technologies and president of the Printed Circuit Board Association of America, about the work the PCBAA has been doing in Washington, D.C., to get the industry better recognized by the country's decision- makers. Marsh is optimistic, not only about the companies and individuals joining the effort, but in the recognition by Capitol Hill to secure the nation's defense systems. Nolan Johnson: Let's start with talking about PCBAA's mission. What are the programs to accomplish that mission? We've been covering legislation here in the U.S. to bolster semicon- ductors. How do we, as an industry, bring that same attention to PCB? Will Marsh: About a year ago, TTM was engaged with an advocacy effort on Capitol Hill. We realized that one voice wasn't enough and that we needed to reach out to our peers, our com- petitors, and our competitive mates, and seek their support as an industry voice. And that's exactly what we did. In April 2021, we legally and formally formed with five founding companies: Calumet, Insulectro, Isola, Summit Interconnect, and TTM Technologies. Since then, we've grown to 15 members and there are 12 other compa- nies and individuals who have reached out to me and are interested in joining. Our growth pattern has skyrocketed thanks to interviews and publications, such as yours and others, that are allowing us to speak on Uncovering the Electronics Ecosystem

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