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50 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2022 Interview by Nolan Johnson I-CONNECT007 VJ Electronix's Brennan Caissie shares the benefits of a new inspection tool that can be used on a variety of boards, with an automated system that takes the pressure off the manufac- turing floor operators and can provide feed- back all the way to the design process. Nolan Johnson: Brennan, can you explain what you do as an applications engineer? Brennan Caissie: Yes. I interact with customers, working with them to find their needs, trans- late that back to our engineering group and come up with solutions for customer applica- tions. VJ Electronix specializes in X-ray inspec- tion, X-ray counting for components, and rework machines. Johnson: You have some news coming out of VJE about some new products. Could you fill us in? Caissie: Sure. We have a new product coming out called the Apogee 90, which is a 90-kilo- Volt PCB inspection machine. e Apogee 90 is primarily aimed at customers generating consumer electronics, medical components, products with smaller and lighter boards. is machine is going to have some soware capa- bilities that are new for us. ere's BGA analy- sis, for example. We also have some automated filters and automated inspection routines. We can tilt the detector in the machine to get angled images. ere are quite a few new fea- tures we are bringing to this machine. Automating the X-ray Inspection Process