PCB007 Magazine


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88 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2022 Mentoring the next generation is a hot topic in the industry, as many are asking what needs to happen for the electronics industry to main- tain young talent. How do we close the tribal knowledge gap that persists across several gen- erations? One way to better understand the needs of up-and-coming engineers is through mentorship programs. According to the Men- tor Coach Foundation, 79% of millennials report mentorship as being crucial to their career success. Further, one of the top reasons millennials leave their current position is due to "lack of learning and development oppor- tunities." Creating an active environment for young professionals to learn and grow profes- sionally throughout their career can drastically affect retention in these positions. Benefits of Mentorship Mentorships are not just valuable to the mentee. Rather, they are mutually beneficial to each party. Mentees are given the oppor- tunity to learn from those who have come before them. ey have an opportunity to learn from the mistakes of their mentors and gain an advantage on their peers. In turn, men- tors receive a sense of fulfillment in teaching their successors. ey can improve their lead- ership skills and are given recognition for their contributions. In most mentor/mentee rela- Simple Secrets for Effective Mentorships The New Chapter by Paige Fiet, TTM-LOGAN

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