PCB007 Magazine


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74 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2022 space and defense, internet of things, and high- performance computing must be manufac- tured in the U.S. and North America through the Trusted Suppliers Network. And the opportunities do not end there. e trend toward evolving and enabling technolo- gies including artificial intelligence (AI), wear- ables, additive manufacturing, and Factory of the Future, offers North American PCB firms with ample means to expand their business. However, this requires these firms to step up their game in terms of technology capabilities. Areas of Opportunity As the famous philosopher Yogi Berra once said, "It ain't over until it's over." Among the many major changes taking place in the electronic inter- connect industry are opportunities for small and medium sized companies to step up their technology game. First, for these firms to even hope to be successful, they must constantly be asking what is happening in their own industry and in other industries that can affect their business. For example, how does artificial intelligence (AI) affect the electronics industry? With products being developed for very high-frequency applications, what will that mean to materials and electron- ics fabrication? Fabricators need to ensure that processes and materials are coming together to support advanced manufacturing. e maximum frequency at which OEMs' products operate is expected to increase over the next five years (Figure 3). Major OEMs in the telecom space anticipate going to 77 GHZ and beyond. ey also expect increases in maximum product life expectancy of more than 25 years. is is particularly crucial for PCBs because it will drive reliability require- ments even higher. Figures 4 and 5 indicate additional areas of opportunity. Figure 3: Average maximum frequency, five year expectation. Figure 4: OEM trends, neural networks.

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