PCB007 Magazine


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AUGUST 2022 I PCB007 MAGAZINE 83 Tom Kastner of GP Ven- tures is a busy man these days. He's been involved in several M&A deals, including a recent acqui- sition by Summit Inter- connect. Tom spent some time with Dan Beaulieu to discuss what it looks like when a company is thinking of buying or selling—and how a consultant can help negotiate the best deal. Class is in session! PCB Technolo- gies President Jeff De Serrano takes us through some of the struggles of the PCB industry over the past 30 years, how U.S. legislation seeks to level the playing field, and whether a "monopoly" of fabricators is healthy for our industry. In his chat with Nolan Johnson, Jeff gets out his invest- ment playbook and talks strategy. This last column will start by intro- ducing the main change in the manufacturing compromise and then the general details on pay- back period. Presently, traditional solder mask has been a balance between accuracy and throughput. Inkjet brings one more dimension: the copper thickness. IPC announced the June 2022 findings from its North American Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Statisti- cal Program. The book-to- bill ratio stands at 1.03. Plating occurs when the metal ion in an aqueous solution is reduced to the metal: M+ metal ion + e- reducing electron = M0 deposited metal. Plating can achieve numerous functional and aesthetic goals, including improve solderability, inhibit corrosion, increase hardness/durability, decorate objects (jewelry), reduce friction, alter conductivity, and improve IR reflectivity. What was the world's costliest com- puter and why? The answer is not today's supercomputers, nor computers built during World War II. Instead, it lies in a real-time air defense radar system built during the height of the Cold War of the 1950s that had left the U.S. extremely vulnerable to a Soviet bomber attack. For the latest news and information, visit PCB007.com PCB Finance Class With Jeff De Serrano Jeff De Serrano The Plating Forum: Plating in Electronic Applications North American PCB Industry Sales Up 17.1% in June Happy's Tech Talk #9: Radars, Missiles, and the World's Costliest Computer A Primer on M&A With Tom Kastner Additive Reality: Drop It, and Enjoy the Greenback

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