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SEPTEMBER 2022 I DESIGN007 MAGAZINE 9 shares several new techniques for designing PCBs in today's atmosphere. Chintan Sutaria of CalcuQuote explains how soware tools can help you keep on top of ever-changing inventories. Next, Altium's Dan Schoenfelder discusses their Electronic Digital to Design Index (EDDI), which provides a current snapshot as well as a historical record of each part's availability back to January 2020. And columnist Chris Young offers a set of guidelines for "designing through" the supply chain pain. We have an article by Malcolm ompson of NextFlex, who discusses some of the innova- tion that has come out of the chip shortage. We also have another installment of Anaya Vardya's DFM101 series. And we have columns from our regular con- tributors Barry Olney, Matt Stevenson, Tim Haag, Dave Wiens, Joe Fjelstad, and Beth Massey and Beth Turner. And let's welcome Trina Taylor, guest columnist for Sunstone Circuits this month. Hard to believe that summer is almost over, and that means trade show season is just around the corner. I hope to see you on the road. DESIGN007 Andy Shaughnessy is managing editor of Design007 Magazine. He has been covering PCB design for 20 years. To read past columns, click here. ning, but sometimes the pain gets bad enough that you might want to take a painkiller. Supply chain management is a constantly changing dynamic situation, and our systems were not set up for this level of "component awareness." Until recently, many PCBs were designed with single-sourced components because it just wasn't an issue for most parts. Now, many OEMs are demanding that all com- ponents have multiple sources. An upside to the supply chain misery is that everyone else in the electronics industry is going through the same thing. You're all in this together, and I know you'll come out of this stronger than ever. Many of these new design tricks—technical and otherwise—are likely to become part of the typical design cycle moving forward. Now that designers and engineers are accustomed to having second and third sources for every- thing on the BOM, do you think we'll ever go back to the old way? I doubt it. While gathering content for this issue, we spoke with designers and design engineers of every stripe. We heard horror stories and tales of succeeding against all odds, as well as a vari- ety of clever workarounds. We learned that communication—always a slippery topic—has become vital in this environment. Our experts bring you up-to-the-minute insight about designing PCBs in this ever- changing environment. First, we have a con- versation with our columnist Kelly Dack, who

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