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62 PCB007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2022 nance tasks based on what condition the mon- itoring tool is showing. is reduces a lot of friction. It also helps with preventive maintenance, learning from the signals to set up a mainte- nance plan. is reduces downtime, which can cost the production plant millions of dollars every year. We're not just bringing the infor- mation; we're bringing them insights. We are transforming raw data into insights so custom- ers can make well-informed decisions that ben- efit operation efficiency and product quality. You asked about automation. So, for instance, if the maintenance engineer finds that a part needs to be replaced, we can integrate that with the logistics and the procurement so that with one click the maintenance engineer sends an order to check the stock. We can monitor chemistry consumption, and the customer can immediately know and make a prediction, depending on the production, when the chemistry might need to be ordered, which is about optimizing stock and logistics as well. Second, we are focusing on hardware embedded into our equipment to improve production and yield. is is about quality inspections. Performance quality inspections today are highly manual, but by having embedded hardware and digital solutions, the quality inspection is done as the production happens and that helps our cus- tomers reduce scrap. Additionally, this reduces unnecessary manual work. But this embedded hardware and soware is like smart dosing, for instance. Bringing a smart dosing solution is another area of focus that will help reduce scrap and increase the yield. Chemistry con- centration is always something that our cus- tomer needs to monitor and adjust during pro- duction. A smart dosing solution brings the opportunity to automate the replenishment process so that the customer doesn't need to do this manually. e third thing is remote service. We are very well positioned because we understand the equipment and the data. We acquired the partner that developed the visualization controls soware with us. is enables us to develop these solutions in-house. We are test- ing them in our technical centers globally, and then deploying them to our customers. Additionally, we are using the MindSphere® Remote Service solution from Siemens that allows us to have a secure remote access solu- tion from a well-known company, and to help us do more through remote service. We have experts for our Atotech products around the world. When I started with the company— just before the pandemic—we sent them out to our customers when there was a problem. But this is not always fast enough as travel takes time. at's why I took the ini- tiative with the Microso smart glasses, the HoloLens, which we introduced in our service operation early in 2020, to tran- sition to a more remote support model. Obviously, the HoloLens cannot solve everything, but it was a huge help. It proved that it could work from both sides. Yes, the customer is sometimes reluctant, but you can make it work. You can focus only on your task, bring our engineers who are in the region with the HoloLens, and then work with the experts remotely. erefore, issues are solved faster and more sustainably. Johnson: Stefan, is the DFS a soware plat- form also embracing a heterogeneous equip- ment environment? If a customer has pieces of equipment other than Atotech in their line, can that be incorporated to give that fully dig- ital twin view to maintenance, or is the DFS something that works exclusively with Atotech equipment? Stefanescu: is is a question I get asked a lot. We understand that the smart factory is an eco-