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34 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I NOVEMBER 2022 gets and resources, and coming out of the dark cloud of COVID-19. Over these last two years, we adapted to the new virtual work environ- ment, working with remote team members as each of us were basically in our respective physical isolation. Yet, many in the industry also had to adapt to functioning in multiple domains and collaborating and integrating with multiple disciplines in the quest for suc- cess. We have evolved in this digital world, and many have started leveraging digital automa- tion. Here are just a few examples of leveraging digital automation regarding printed circuit engineering: • Process automation › Taking a manual process and stream- lining it with soware. is applies to the most basic things (e.g., CAD instead of mylar), but since everyone is on CAD, it really applies to automated steps on the journey from concept to manufac- turing. Examples include levels of constraint-driven automation in routing, simplified component creation, data management, and integration between disciplines to facilitate collaboration, streamlined hand-off to manufacturing. • Verification automation › Replace manual peer reviews. For example, schematic integrity, layout checks for manufacturability or performance. • Automation enabled by AI › Apply AI to evaluate multi-discipline tradeoffs (e.g., power vs. thermal, performance vs. manufacturability), and recommend best options to improve decision making. › Apply AI for generative design, where the recommendations from the previous step are automatically executed, for example, placing place decoupling capacitors at optimal locations around an IC to provide the right amount of clean power. Figure 1: Digital automation is the only way to handle today's design complexity.