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110 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2023 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE Article by PV Nguyen F rom a young age, my boys Dylan and Cardin displayed a deep interest in how things worked and they always tinkered with things. They sought out resources from libraries, science museums, science fairs, and STEM camps. They are now participating in a high school robotics team to satisfy their curiosity and creativity. In this technologically driven and rapidly-evolving day and age, there is a growing recognition that early STEM educational experiences lead to greater problem-solving skills and better equip young peo- ple for the dynamic world they will face after gradu- ation. Whether students go into trade schools or col- leges, STEM education fosters creativity, collabora- tion, critical thinking, and high earning careers. As a parent, I find interactive summer camps and STEM activities—especially in a team setting like robotics—encourage students to work together as they innovate and take initiative. This ability to work as part of a high-functioning team is important as high schoolers enter the next chapter of their lives. With hands-on soldering, touring of the show floor, and having students participate in designing PCBs, the IPC STEM Outreach Event helps make the sub- jects less intimidating. It was fascinating to see more students were likely to go into a career in STEM or printed circuit boards after they participated in the STEM Outreach. The IPC Education Foundation's effort has been enormously appreciated. We're looking forward to seeing this event grow bigger and reach higher. S&T A Mother's Perspective PV Nguyen with her sons Dylan (left) and Cardin. One of their favorite activities is kite flying (below right).