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156 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2023 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE Article by Teresa Rowe • IPC W hat would IPC APEX EXPO be without standards development activities? This year, IPC hosted more than 100 task group meet- ings in San Diego to work on current projects, plan future tasks, and celebrate their accom- plishments over the past year. With so many highly energized groups passionate about our industry gathering in one space, discussions were lively, timely, and in some cases, even eye-opening. There's nothing like technical people from a global audience discussing a new technology or idea to get those creative minds working on finding solutions that answer industry needs. Task group meetings began on Saturday and Sunday, and what a sight they were during these back-to-back full-day sessions. With a record crowd of 175 participants, the 5-22a and 7-31b task groups combined their meet- ings to work on comment resolution for new revisions of J-STD-001 and IPC-A-610. Over the next few days, task groups met to discuss topics such as design, materials, board fabrication, cleaning, coating, assem- bly, cables and harnesses, printed electron- ics, connected factory, and e-textiles, just to name a few. With in-person collaboration the highest it has been in many years, committee e Rundown on Standards Development