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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2023 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 19 IPC, David Hernandez IPC Offers Free Training Courses Guest editor Hannah Nelson speaks with IPC's David Hernandez about new benefits IPC members can expect in its training programs. These complimentary courses will help workforce development and compa- nies to reduce training costs and standardize training across their organizations. Rogers Corporation, John Ekis Challenges of New Product Development John Ekis, market segment director, Aerospace and Defense, Rogers Corporation, discusses with Pete Starkey the importance of close applications engineering relation- ships in understanding and responding to the requirements and challenges of specialist new product development. MIRTEC, Brian D'Amico Full Spectrum of Inspection Pete Starkey asks Brian D'Amico how MIRTEC is address- ing the full spectrum of inspection requirements associ- ated with the electronics manufacturing industry.

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