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62 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2023 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE 62 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2023 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE T he Peter Sarmanian Corporate Recognition Award was presented to AT&S, a leading manufacturer of high-end printed circuit boards and IC substrates. Employing nearly 13,000 people, AT&S is a global presence with production sites in Austria, and plants in India, China, and Korea. They are Europe's largest PCB fabricator and one of the 10 largest in the world. Active with high-end applications across automo- tive, aviation, industrial, medical and communica- tion servers, their customers regularly utilize IPC standards. They have supported IPC events in Europe, includ- ing keynote addresses at the Embedded Con- ference in 2013 and the Automotive Electronics Workshop in 2016. The company is highly engaged with IPC's Government Relations efforts in Europe, including its recent efforts in supporting IPC's advanced packaging initiative and advocacy for the European Chips Act. AT&S Receives Peter Sarmanian Corporate Recognition Award Members since 1990, AT&S recently shared its expertise and knowledge on advanced packaging as a participant in IPC's first Advanced Packaging Symposium. Zentech Manufacturing received IPC's other corpo- rate award, the Stan Plzak Corporate Recognition Award, which honors an IPC-member company in the electronics assembly services industry (EMS) that actively contributes to the industry while sup- porting IPC technical and/or management programs. "IPC benefits tremendously from Zentech's and AT&S's leadership, knowledge and expertise," said John W. Mitchell, IPC president and CEO. "For many years, both organizations have consistently pro- vided staff resources to standards development and other IPC programs and initiatives. IPC is privileged to have them in our membership; their involve- ment in IPC has directly contributed to IPC's global growth in the electronics industry." S&T Tony Gueli, accepting the award on behalf of AT&S.

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