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56 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MARCH 2023 been higher and even if there were a reces- sion, 50% of what we're doing now is reshor- ing/nearshoring. In fact, 25% of our pipeline is coming from Europe, which we've never seen before. e European business is a new develop- ment, and our footprint is all over North Amer- ica. We have over 100 factories in our network, which means we can move customers out of Asia to North American manufacturing when necessary. In some cases, it's purely based on where their product catalog will be a best fit. About 50% of the work ends up in the U.S., with the other 50% in Mexico. We are seeing more business gravitate toward North America for manufacturing. Even if there was a world- wide slowdown in demand, what's happening geopolitically has everybody rattled enough to where supply chain managers are looking for resiliency in their supply chain. While they're not moving out of China, they're looking for other options. ey want to find a foothold in Feature Interview by Nolan Johnson I-CONNECT007 MacroFab is clearly on the grow. CEO Misha Govshteyn, speaking from the company's Gua- dalajara, Mexico, facility, shares that the com- pany recently closed a second round of fund- ing, bringing the total investment pool to just north of $80 million. Second round inves- tors include Foundry and BMW i Ventures as well as existing investors Edison Partners and ATX Venture Partners. ey also just opened a 48,000 square foot plant in Houston, Texas. Misha, we are focusing this issue on the "mind of the manufacturer." What is your mindset? What worries you, but what opportunities do you see as well? Misha Govshteyn: Many customers seem ner- vous about 2023. ey look at the stock mar- ket; there's obviously been a decline there. Many are forecasting a recession and that has been reflected in their customer orders or lack of demand. However, our pipeline has never Finding Stability in the Supply Chain