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66 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MARCH 2023 plest and most efficient test engineering analy- sis soware solutions in the industry. Finally, the Vayo Stencil Designer so- ware digitalizes the core SMT process (solder paste printing/stencil) and helps the SMT fac- tory transform into a digitalized knowledge base which then transfers experience among the entire team. e soware automates the required preparation of solder paste stencil, ensures the quality of stencil, improves the sol- dering quality, automatically reviews the sten- cil design, and traces the usage of aperture for new products. It brings unprecedented man- agement changes to SMT factories. Over the years, your company contin- uously br ings for th new upgrades. In the past two years, you have released new products such as CAM365 and the DFX Exe- cution System. Do you have any other product plans? According to the industry trend of elec- tronics manufacturing, we launch new product solutions every one to two years. For example, we were keenly aware that AOI trans- forming from 2D to 3D had become a trend, and AOI equipment programming was facing new challenges. rough dedicated research and development, we launched new intelli- gent programming soware for 3D AOI equip- ment. Another example was for inkjet printing equipment, where there are programming dif- ficulties in inkjet printing location and path. Our R&D team overcame a series of technical problems and finally launched intelligent pro- gramming soware. CAM365 and DFX Design Execution Sys- tem are new products we've launched in the past two years. e popular CAM soware products used in the SMT industry are mainly for PCB fabrication, rather than for SMT fac- tories. Aer field research on the habits of a large number of engineers, we launched the CAM365, a soware made especially for SMT factories. It has many innovative functions, including an intelligent review of SMT process difficulties, automatic comparison of version differences, provision of stencil aperture tem- plates, and optimization of traditional opera- tion methods. Another new product is the DFX Execution System, a web-based DFX/DFM/DFA tasks execution platform applicable to large R&D teams. It supports single- and multi-point deployment, and directly uploads DFX/DFM/ DFA tasks without the need to install it. e system automatically accomplishes an analysis and can download result reports at any time. Moreover, it enables highly effective manage- ment functions for R&D managers, achieves easy access, an accurate analysis, and team effi- ciency management. We have a couple of products still in the plan- ning and development stage. For example, FAI Meta for first article inspection, Panel Meta for advanced panel design, and Fixture Meta for advanced fixture design. In addition to those application soware products, we plan to launch the PCA digital process plat- form for large enterprise clients, inte- grating all our products into this plat- form, and allowing easier access for the entire team of large clients, and making the team management easier. All industries are talking about intelligent manufacturing and dig- ital transformation. How do you view these development trends and chal-

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