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38 SMT007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2023 Feature Q&A by Maribel Hernandez T h e e l e c t r o n i c s m a n u f a c t u r i n g s e c t o r faces unique challenges when it comes to cybersecurity, given the highly sensitive nature of the information that it handles. With the introduction of the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Cer tification (CMMC) framework , businesses will soon be required to meet specific, more stringent cybersecurity standards to bid on Department of Defense contracts. This has made cybersecurity hygiene and CMMC compliance more important than ever for businesses in the sector, as non-compliance can result in lost revenue and reputational damage. At the recent EMS Leadership Summit, held during IPC APEX EXPO 2023 in January, summit organizers arranged a panel discussion with three industry experts. The panel, moderated by Maribel Hernandez, followed a que st ion and ans wer f or mat . Paneli st s included Joaquin Hernandez, Allen Anderson, Vijay Takanti. They discussed the details and intricacies of CMMC compliance, and how it can affect a business. The experts shared their insights into the challenges that businesses in the sector are likely to face, the specific requirements tied to CMMC compliance, and the steps that businesses can take to ensure that they are adequately protected and able to achieve compliance within the framework. This article, compiled by the participants, summarizes portions of the discussion from the summit event. What's the difference between cybersecurity and CMMC compliance? Jo a q u i n He r n a n d e z : C y b e r security is the practice of protecting computer systems, n e t w o r k s , a n d d a t a f r o m unauthorized Panel Discussion: CMMC and Cybersecurity