PCB007 Magazine


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48 PCB007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2023 Feature Interview by Andy Shaughnessy I-CONNECT007 You've decided to revamp your process for onboarding new hires, but where do you start? How do you create a thorough onboarding sys- tem that allows each new hire to become a happy, long-term employee? I asked Mike Hoyt, IPC's training advisor, to discuss the organization's onboarding pro- gram, the hiring issues facing companies in the PCB space, and the best way to get aboard a new onboarding process. IPC has been involved in onboarding for some time now. Tell us about IPC's onboarding program. Multiple companies within the electronics industry reached out to IPC for help regard- ing the training of their incoming, unskilled Onboarding 101 With Mike Hoyt workforce. At that time, so much of the train- ing focus was around IPC standards and certi- fication, and there wasn't much training avail- able that taught the essentials that every oper- ator, technician, and engineer needed to know before they started working on the line. So, with the help of training experts in the industry, IPC developed multiple online train- ing courses for both operators and engineers that could be offered on day one of a new hire's employment and could get them to proficiency faster. ese training courses require no prior knowledge or experience. So far, we have received excellent feedback from companies who onboard their new hires with our workforce training courses. We now hear that new hires get to proficiency faster than before and, in some cases, are cutting in

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