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JUNE 2023 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 45 Alternatives Assessment Guide: is guide is a concise and high- level methodology for identi- fying and evaluating potential s u b s t i tu t i o n s f o r h az a r d o u s chemicals used in electronics manufacturing processes. Qualitative Exposure Assessment (QEA): is assessment methodo- log y is designed for facilities where workplace chemical ex- posure data is not available, to help environmental health and safety profes- sionals without specific chemicals training or expertise in industrial hygiene. e assessment identifies workers' potential risk of exposure to harmful process chemicals and helps deter- mine controls and ways to both reduce expo- sure risk and improve performance. The Toward Zero Exposure Program In the initial years, CEPN members focused on developing processes, resources, and tools for process chemical management and worker safety. As time went on, members sought ways to effectively integrate and expedite the utili- zation of CEPN's tools and resources through- out the industry. is led to the development of the Toward Zero Exposure (TZE) pro- gram, which was launched in August 2021 with founding Signatories Apple, Dell, and HP Inc., and the following year joined by Fairphone. The Toward Zero Exposure program is designed to support electronics companies in assessing process chemical use, strengthening the culture of worker safety and engagement, and eliminating worker exposure to priority process chemicals both within their own man- ufacturing processes and deeper into their sup- ply chain. e program provides a framework, credibility, and public recognition for volun- tarily improving worker chemical safety in the electronics supply chain. e program accelerates existing efforts in chemical safety and boosts awareness of the need to improve chemical management prac- tices across the global electronics manufac- turing industry to eliminate workers' expo- sure to hazardous chemicals. TZE represents an opportunity for companies in the elec- tronics industry to meet growing customer and investor pressure calling for transparent and safe supply chains. Expectations on com- panies to align their brand with best practice in sustainability and authenticity continue to heighten, and participation in leadership ini- tiatives addressing major industry-wide chal- lenges—like chemical exposure—are becom- ing essential. e Toward Zero Exposure program guides signatories through clear documentation on progress including benchmarks, milestones, and deadlines for program activities. Com- pany actions are informed by a structured pro- gram with researched and pragmatic activities

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