IPC International Community magazine an association member publication
Issue link: https://iconnect007.uberflip.com/i/1503860
IPC COMMUNITY 96 SUMMER 2023 Between these partners, there was recogni- tion that future growth in Romania and the wider region would not be dependent on the eco- nomic model that got them there, or a variation of it, but on the ideas and innovation developed within the region by a sizeable skilled workforce. Investments in people through partnerships among industry, representative bodies, and educational institutions like the Universitatea Politehnica in Timișoara, are key to advanc- ing investment in research and development to deliver a self-sustaining model of regional growth. Electronics Manufacturing Showcase On Sept. 27–28, IPC and Flex will host an event at Universitatea Politehnica in Timișo- ara called "Build Electronics Better with Stan- dards and Solutions, Powered by Flex." The event will provide a unique opportu- nity to learn about the latest advancements in electronics manufacturing, participate in industry discussions, and network with a com- munity of professionals dedicated to building better electronics. Who is the Event For? Presentation and panel discussions will feature industry experts from NASA, Stellan- tis, Bosch, Flex, Indium, IPC, Universitatea Politehnica, and Vitesco. The range of topics are sure to appeal to Timișoara's electronics communit y and include electronics reliability, e-mobility, medical meets 5G, education and training, and IPC leadership. If you are in manufacturing or quality, work as a design engineer, or might be studying engineering toward a degree, this event offers a unique opportunity to hear about the latest trends, needs, standards, education options, production line, and product development solutions. For more information, click here. References 1. "Exclusive Report: A generational shift in sourcing strategy: A global and European deep dive into near-sourcing, nearshoring and reshoring in the post-pandemic world," Reuters Events.