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52 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2023 short while. It has created more interest and increased momentum in our ISO work. It gives people the buy-in and a global vision of how their work impacts the other aspects of our business. We have animated discussions about maintenance, the supply chain, and the other wraparound efforts that impact the business with the same abstrac- tion of tokens expended. It gives flight to our collective purpose. The accumulated wisdom of the team captured with the game then forces action by leadership. e measure of tokens makes it easy to communi- cate the impact of proposed changes. ISO initiatives are ripe for gamification, and we are really happy with how it has energized our initiatives. Maybe soon team members will be working to get on a leaderboard of tokens saved. DESIGN007 Jamin Wilson is quality systems administrator at Sunstone Circuits. When it comes to generics, there is even more potential for variance. the previous stage and performing their task, then handing it off to the next. With ISO, No Cheat Codes Once we have the systems set up and scored, we bring in the experts. Not outside experts, but the people who work every day on the fac- tory floor on these questions. e teams that operate each process are our experts and have developed all the innovations of our QMS. ey are far more familiar with their process than I am. e game helps to train them in ISO and practice in a more engaging way, which helps us as a team consider how changes would affect the process. For instance, quality checks are a necessary part of manufacture, but they have a high cost. It is expensive to do constant quality checks and does not add value to a functioning board. However, the sooner a failure or error is iden- tified, the less wasted w o r k— to ke n s — w e w ill spend on that b o a r d . U s i n g t h e game, we can visual- ize what happens when we move a quality check. e game helps us ask, "Does the increase in time and expense pencil out to more efficiency and better quality?" Visualize, Discuss, and Improve e game is a way for us to look at our sys- tem and see how their expertise can find ways to improve. Are quality checks in the optimal place? Is there redundancy? Could we reduce some of the steps? Any organization that has been successful with ISO will tell you that this is the key: bring- ing the team together to visualize and refine their work. e game makes that easier and more fun so we get our creative juices flowing. Not only that, but we can also see the results in a measurable way: more tokens. We have only been using the game for a Figure 3: An example of our game "tokens." Editor's Note: This column first appeared in the July 2023 issue of Design007 Magazine.

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