Averatek Names New CEO E
Averatek is
pleased to announce Scott Meikle,
Ph.D. as CEO. Dr. Meikle has more than 30
years of experience in the semiconductor
Designing Aerospace PCBs:
A Galaxy of Challenges E
Jeffrey Boye designs aerospace PCBs at the
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab-
oratory. Aer a decade or so at the APL, some of
his boards are currently floating in space. Jeffrey
recently took a class with IPC instructor Kris
Moyer titled "PCB Design for Military and Aero-
space Applications."
Summit Interconnect Welcomes
Brian Kamradt as New Chief
Financial Officer E
Summit Interconnect announced the appoint-
ment of Brian Kamradt as chief financial
officer. Kamradt brings over 20 years of
finance, accounting, merger and acquisition,
and IT experience to Summit's leadership
team. He will succeed Tom Caldwell, Sum-
mit's initial CFO, who will be retiring aer
leading the company's expansion for the past
four years.
CERcuits Wins Second Place in US Army's
xTechInternational Competition With
3D Ceramic Circuits Solution E
CERcuits BV, a Belgian technology company
specializing in ceramic electronic circuits,
proudly announces its achievement as the
s e c o n d - p la c e w i n n e r i n t h e p r e s t i g i o u s
xTechInternational competition organized by
the U.S. Army.
Altium 365 GovCloud Offers
Increased Security E
Altium recently launched Altium 365 Gov-
Cloud, a dedicated platform accessible only
to—and managed solely by—U.S. persons. e
company says that GovCloud can help custom-
ers to be in compliance with ITAR, EAR, and
other requirements. I spoke with Bruno Bla-
sigh, director of Cloud Security for Altium 365,
about the new platform, how it functions, and
how GovCloud can help to keep foreign enti-
ties from accessing your data.
Flexible Thinking:
The Adjacent Possible E
In the inspirational and informative book titled
Where Good Ideas Come From, author Steven
Johnson uses the term "the adjacent possible."
is term, which immediately captivated my
mind, originated with a theoretical biologist
named Stuart Kaufman, who used the term in
his book, Investigations, to describe the circu-
itous path of biological evolution.
Filling Critical Traceability
Gaps With AI E
Traceability means being able to track the origin
of any given electrical component throughout
the supply chain. For OEMs, this is no longer
optional or "nice to have." Yet industrial trace-
ability capacities are sorely lacking through-
out industries. Today, the most widespread
standard for traceability is "batch traceabil-
ity," which aside from tracking the production
lot, serial number, and exact board placement
for components, fails to analyze the individual
components themselves, thus jeopardizing the
quality of the goods they compose.