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56 SMT007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2023 Execution System [MES] Defined.) In fact, MES originated to provide an integrated soware system to better support the production oper- ation. is moved companies away from point solutions for quality, materials and resource management, traceability, work instructions, and more. With all this in a single system, MES has been delivering in-context data for produc- tivity, quality, and flexibility benefits for years. So, what's new? e speed, complexity, requirements of production—and an array of new production technologies. To handle these, augmented MES needs many capabili- ties. Here we will review just those around dig- ital twin and augmented reality. The MES-based Digital Twin Manufacturing digital twin and MES are deeply intertwined. at is because MES is the original digital twin of production. e mecha- nism by which MES supports production oper- ations is through mapping manufacturing pro- cesses, both the physical and business processes. In this way, MES inherently always has had a model, or digital twin, at the core (Figure 4). Key purposes of the MES digital twin have always included providing visibility into plant status or "actuals," plus to control and docu- ment activities. In addition, it's been a critical fuel for optimizing processes and understand- ing the path to continuous improvement. MES capabilities and how they feed and sup- port digital twin of manufacturing include: • Capturing and storing data in the context of this digital twin core model, making full synchronization of virtual and real worlds easy and inherent • What's new is that the MES must effi- ciently process all the distributed incom- ing streams of data from new IIoT devices • Comparing incoming data to plans and standards stored in the model, ensuring that error-proofing, alerts and alarms can go off • What's new is that the MES must provide this type of capability, even if the data was originally captured by an IoT sensor any- where in the world, not just from one plant Today, the digital twin of a plant can be fully 3D and always reflect the status of each area, line, and piece of equipment (Figure 5). Using RFID tags and scanners allows frequent updates on where materials, containers, tools, Figure 4: Digital twin is inherently at the core of MES, as it models the production plant, equipment, pro- cesses and products. Modeling manufacturing is a crucial part of an MES implementation.

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