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54 SMT007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2023 Feature Article by Miles Moreau KIC Introduction: Embracing Collaboration in Semiconductor Manufacturing In today's rapidly evolving world, the semi- conductor industry stands as a driving force across economies and industries, propelling progress through technological advancements. e U.S. CHIPS Act emerges as a game-chang- ing legislation aimed at redefining America's semiconductor manufacturing prowess. e Act sets forth a clear mission: bolster domestic chip production, reinforce national security, and stimulate economic growth. As the echoes of the U.S. CHIPS Act ripple through the industry, a pivotal juncture arises for both semiconductor manufacturers and equipment suppliers. is legislation has cap- tivated the attention of industry leaders, gov- ernment bodies, and astute investors. Industry giants like Intel, TSMC, Samsung, and Global- Foundries have committed substantial invest- ments to U.S. semiconductor manufacturing and advanced packaging. ese visionary lead- ers are primed to reshape the landscape of chip production on American soil. Unlocking Synergies The U.S. CHIPS Act Propels Collaboration Between Semiconductor Manufacturers and Equipment Suppliers