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60 SMT007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2023 on AI-based closed-loop feedback control and parameter optimization. is innovation promises to implement a smart manufacturing solution in the PCB assembly, with a focus on improving yield and throughput. is AI-based framework holds the potential to pave the way for data-driven process control in SMA. Binghamton University Collaboration Since 2016, Koh Young Technology and the Smart Electronics Manufacturing Laboratory (SEMLab) at Binghamton University's Inte- grated Electronics Engineering Center (IEEC) have been collaborating on several key research initiatives to improve the assembly process in electronic s manufac- tur ing using AI integra- tion. e aim of the SEM- Lab is to develop smart electronics manufactur- ing solutions using data science and AI principles to manufacture sophisti- cated printed circuit board assemblies with a focus on advanced robotics to rev- olutionize the electronics manufactur ing process with improved yield and productivity. With auto- matic optimization, real-time intelligence tech- niques, and the implementation of advanced analytical approaches to the data collected from the equipment, the smart systems can deliver fewer defects, higher productivity, and increased reliability with cost-efficient results. e team from Binghamton University, including Dr. Seungbae Park, Dr. Daehan Won, Dr. Sangwon Yoon, and Benson Chan, have helped deliver several beneficial studies that drive Koh Young to further refine and deliver AI-based solutions. e research involves developing closed-loop control and optimiza- tion modules using self-optimization and AI- based diagnostics for process enhancement in the printed circuit board assembly. is research is clearly advancing PCBA with inno- vative artificial intelligence and machine learn- ing techniques. Machine Intelligence in PCBA In PCBA, each step significantly affects the final quality and throughput of the PCB prod- uct. e solder printing process, for instance, is a critical operation that causes nearly 80% of PCBA soldering defects. Printing faults, char- acterized by an inadequate volume of solder paste on PCB pads, can lead to board failures and substantial rework costs. e component mounting process, encompassing expensive machine investments and extended production times, is another high- co st pro cedure. Mean- while, in the reflow pro- cess, the quality and reli- ability of solder joints are contingent upon reflow oven temp er ature and r e l a t e d s e t t i n g s . C o n - s equently, insp ec t ion machines, such as solder paste inspection (SPI ) and automated o p t ical i n s p e c t i o n ( A O I ) , c a n enhance PCBA. Specifically, including two independently-linked AOIs in the PCBA line before and aer reflow can detect compo- nent defects. As electronic components shr ink (e.g., 0201M components), PCBA-related failures increase. e SEMLab has the tools in place to help find solutions: solder paste printers, com- ponent mounters, and a reflow oven, as well as Koh Young SPI and AOI machines. Exten- sive testing on over 8,000 PCBs revealed that numerical methods based on physical proper- ties may have practical limitations in explain- ing the behavior of small-scale components. is is oen due to unknown environmen- tal factors—temperature, humidity, machine calibration, measurement inaccuracies, and In PCBA, each step significantly affects the final quality and throughput of the PCB product.