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8 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2024 IPC APEX EXPO has been known for years as the largest PCB fabrication and assembly show in the U.S. In the past decade, the con- ference portion has been increasing its design content and this year's event in Anaheim, California, offers a cornucopia of PCB design curriculum. e IPC Design Competition, for example, moves into its third year, with entrants from all over the world competing in Anaheim in the final heat. is show is shaping up as the place to be for PCB designers and design engineers. If you're a designer and you've never attended IPC APEX EXPO, this is a great year to start. ere's more design curriculum at the con- ference this year than ever before.; I counted 14 design-related Professional Development Courses and a half-dozen technical presenta- tions related to design. e classes don't just focus on design tech- niques. ey cover everything from the basics of design to avoiding over-constraining high- speed boards, designing for flex, test, design for reality, chiplet design, and DFM. If you The Shaughnessy Report by Andy Shaughnessy, I-CONNECT007 Design Takes Center Stage at IPC APEX EXPO

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