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26 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2024 Tell us about the new online design courses this year. What design classes are hot right now? e "I" in IPC also stands for innovation, and this year, we are offering several new online instructor-led courses covering a variety of topics for all experience levels: Technical Overview of the Semiconductor Chip Industry: is course provides a technical overview of the industry from design and man- ufacturing to assembly and testing. Instructor Cheah Soo Lan is an engineering manager with more than 30 years of experience in the electronics and semiconductor industry. is course is designed for all individuals, regard- less of their experience or knowledge of the subject matter, and is presented in an easy-to- understand format. Counterfeit Electronic Parts Mitigation in Mission Critical & Life Saving Supply Chains: Led by Anthony J. Bryant, an expert with over 35 years of experience in aerospace, defense, and semiconductors, this course is essential for professionals who identify, report, and dispose of counterfeit material to prevent its use in the supply chain. Traditional DFM: Is it Dead or Alive?: What do you do when industry standards and DFM reviews do not address the material limita- tions, assembly tolerances, and other manu- facturability factors posed by today's increas- ingly complex designs? Engineers, technicians, and others involved in creating manufactur- able designs will want to join industry expert and presenter Dale Lee as he shares valuable insights and practical solutions from recent real-world challenges. Reliability of Electronics—Tin Whiskers— Everything you Need to Know: International Hall of Famer and presenter Dr. Jennie Hwang delivers the third course in IPC's Reliability of Electronics curriculum. Dr. Hwang will share insights from a career spent solving challenging production issues for high-reliability products for commercial and military applications. Par- ticipants will obtain a comprehensive under- standing of tin whiskers, including what they are, how they occur, and how to prevent them. e most popular classes in IPC's PCB design curriculum are those taught by IPC instructor and presenter Kris Moyer. ese include Introduction to PCB Design I & II and PCB Design for Military and Aerospace Applications. We also launched a new course last year, PCB Design for Advanced Design Concepts, covering HDI (high-density interconnect), advanced packaging, embedded components, and wearable electronics. I understand that IPC is seeking new PCB design instructors. What classes are you hiring for? We conduct regular surveys of students and members to identify topics of interest, and many of our new courses are driven by the sup- port of the Professional Development Courses at IPC APEX EXPO. is year, we are proud to present courses from renowned experts such as Tim Burke, Ph.D., on machine data analyt- ics, assembly veterans Jim Hall and Phil Zar- row on troubleshooting and defect analysis, and Fil Arzola on engineering courses geared Kelly Allen

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