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32 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2024 I understand IPC offers different types of online courses. Yes, there's a mix. We have asynchronous courses, which are online and self-paced. You log into our learning management sys- tem (called EDGE), which is available 24/7, and you can go through the course at your own pace. We also have online instructor-led courses where you meet the instructor online at a certain time, twice a week, usually for about two hours. ose courses can run any- where from a few days to a few weeks, depend- ing on the course. You're responsible for identifying the next classes and disciplines that need to be addressed. How do you stay on top of it all? I talk to a lot of people. IPC is a volunteer- driven organization, and we work with and for the electronics manufacturing industry, so I routinely call trainers, engineers, and admin- istrators to talk about their training programs and learn more about how IPC can help with their pain points. What's working and what's not? Where do trainees tend to struggle? What is the most critical problem you need to solve? Sometimes people will walk up to me aer a meeting to discuss an issue, and I'll do an on-the-spot discovery call, or I'll ask, "Can we meet next week and talk more about this?" Every year at IPC APEX EXPO, I sched- ule separate meetings with people I want to touch base with to learn more about what and how they're doing. Oen, I'll do that in conjunction with Mike Hoyt, our workforce training advisor. We are both well-versed in the fields of education, and we've learned a great deal about electronics manufacturing over the past few years. Together, we do our best to assist our colleagues in the training room and on the factory floor. While many companies have adopted IPC workforce training to improve their training processes, Mike and I are committed to using our exper- tise to help our colleagues achieve the best possible results, regardless of the methods employed. Any final thoughts? We need to hear from you. Tell us what you're doing and how we can help you sharpen your competitive edge. en help us execute. Vol- unteer your time to review course content or take a beta test on the latest course. You may also want to consider becoming an instructor. Students really enjoy IPC online instructor- led courses, but the instructors get a lot out of the experience as well. Kris Moyer, who teaches several of IPC's PCB design courses, says, "It's very rewarding to witness those a-ha moments, when you realize that you have just helped that student become a better, even hap- pier, designer." Thanks for your time, Carlos. ank you, Andy. DESIGN007 Carlos Plaza

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