IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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IPC COMMUNITY 28 SPRING 2024 IPC COMMUNITY 28 SPRING 2024 What is the synergy between the appren- ticeship standards and other workforce development initiatives? We recently published an article on the IPC blog discussing creative ways to grow your workforce and engage with a new generation of workers using marketing principles. Some may ask what marketing has to do with work- force development. Everything! We operate in a competitive landscape; selling ourselves and our industry is key. Apprenticeship is a perfect selling point because it benefits everyone. What advice does Zentech offer to other companies that might adopt IPC's electronics assembler apprenticeship standards? It's not as scary as it looks. Since IPC has laid the groundwork and helps with implementation, all that's left is your enthusiasm to make it work. You need to hire people anyway. Since each state has financial incentive programs for hiring registered apprentices, why not recoup some of your costs and increase your chances of retaining long-term employees? It's a win-win situation. Are there any lessons or best practices learned that you'd like to share? • You don't have to know everything when you start. I found the key is just to start. I call it "nuggetizing." Break it down into smaller, more manageable, less overwhelming tasks. You'll gain confidence and knowledge as you go along. • Start with your current employees first. This is an easy way to get your feet wet. They're already hired, and you need to train them anyway. • Make the most of your IPC membership. There are many great resources, both in knowledgeable staff and helpful informa- tion, to get your apprenticeship program off the ground. IPC has a staff member who assists in applying for grants, so you don't have to navigate it alone. IPC has described it as a "plug-and-play" experience, which I can agree with. Read "Real Progress Toward Solving U.S. Workforce Problems," an interview with Cory Blaylock by the I-Connect007 Editorial Team, in the February 2024 issue of PCB007 Magazine. In this interview, Cory defines and explains an apprenticeship model, how IPC achieved accreditation with the U.S. Department of Labor, and the incentive for companies to participate.

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