IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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IPC COMMUNITY 52 SPRING 2024 Dan White is an associate professor of elec- trical and computer engineering who serves as the faculty advisor for the IPC Student Chap- ter at Valparaiso University. He received the Michael V. Carano Teacher Excellence Award in 2023. The annual, student-nominated award comes with a $1,000 prize and a one-year mem - bership to IPC EDGE, the institution's online learning platform. "Student learning development by any means possible is at the core of my teaching strategy," Dan says, "IPC helps provide extra opportunities for learning about and engaging with the elec- tronics industry, and I'm happy to help bring that experience to my students as the chapter advisor." I talked with Dan about his impact on his students as they pursue their interests in elec- tronics manufacturing, his contributions to the field, and why a student talent network is crucial for the industry. Let's start with an overview of your own career journey. Dan White: I always wanted to be an engineer and work for NASA. I attended the University A Skill and a Passion By Charlene Gunter, Senior Director, IPC Education Foundation Dan White leads the IPC Student Chapter at Valparaiso University EDUCATION Dan (black shirt) with his first cohort of students who worked on the international SatNOGS project. They also helped run the project's booth at Hamvention, one of the largest amateur radio conventions.

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