IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

Issue link: https://iconnect007.uberflip.com/i/1518652

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Page 14 of 83

IPC COMMUNITY 15 SPRING 2024 PRIDE Industries operates across several states. How many of these companies include electronics manufacturing facilities? PRIDE Industries has 37 offices in 17 states throughout the United States. In some commu- nities we operate as a true integrated model, meeting people in their communities. Our flag- ship electronics manufacturing facilities are in Roseville, California, where we are unique in the industry because we produce quality electron- ics supported by a disability-inclusive team. How did PRIDE Industries create employ- ment specific to electronics manufactur- ing for individuals with disabilities? Individuals with disabilities are successful in many industries. Given our nearly 60 years of experience with our mission to create employ- ment for people with disabilities, it's what we do naturally. Our team works with our employ- ees to provide tools for accommodation. It is our experience that the learning curve may be a little steeper for individuals with disabilities; however, once they learn tasks and have the tools necessary, they deliver high-quality ser- vices and products. Electronics manufacturing for individuals with disabilities has been a natu- ral fit for our organization. What support systems are in place for employees with disabilities, and how do you find employees? Support systems for employees with disabili- ties can be both formal and informal. We strive to create an atmosphere where co-workers pro- vide informal support, and we also have a team of trained job coaches. A job coach provides formal support to an individual who may need to learn a new task, or who may need support with commu - nication or soft skills. We find our employees through many ave- nues. One way is meeting with high schools in the area and finding transition-aged students interested in employment. We also work with individuals who may have been referred to our employment services through the state's voca- tional rehabilitation services. PRIDE Industries provides programs where we begin with the smallest of learning environments—for exam- ple, how to use public transportation—and we help them enhance their vocational skills from there. Employees have support throughout their employment journey, and they are given the opportunity to learn and develop skills, increasing their confidence and independence. PRIDE Industries has placed nearly 300 individuals in other organizations, some of Darelyn Pazdel

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