IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

Issue link: https://iconnect007.uberflip.com/i/1518652

Contents of this Issue


Page 21 of 83

IPC COMMUNITY 22 SPRING 2024 exchanged ideas, my confidence soared. IPC WinterCom provided the perfect platform to step out of my comfort zone and make mean- ingful connections. Who knows, I might not have come out of my shell at all until my very first professional experience," she says, laughing. Reflecting on her IPC WinterCom experi- ence, Lauriane emphasized the importance of practical exposure to complement academic learning. She noted the disparity between the- oretical knowledge and industry standards, underscoring the need for students to receive comprehensive education in electronics manu- facturing. "At school, we learn the basics of design, but there's a gap when it comes to understanding industry standards," Lauriane explains. "IPC WinterCom has been instrumental in bridging that gap and providing me with a deeper under- standing of the industry landscape. It will be an enormous advantage for me when I go back to my studies." Lauriane is grateful for the opportunity extended by IPC to attend this event. She emerged with a sense of purpose and direction, felt empowered by her interactions, and was inspired by the innovative spirit in the commit- tee meetings. Now, she's eager and confident to embark on the next phase of her journey. "As I look ahead to my future endeavors, I feel incredibly grateful for the experiences and con- nections I've gained at IPC WinterCom," Lau- riane says. "It's been a transformative journey, and I'm excited to apply what I've learned as I pursue my passion for PCB design and assembly, not to mention knowing I can reach out to all the great industry leaders I met. They have been so supportive of my goals, and I can't wait to find out more about any open professional opportu- nities following my return to France." Part of the fun of IPC WinterCom is meeting the industry leaders who attend, like Golden Gnome recipients Debbie Wade and Tiberiu Baranyi, who received their awards in Barcelona because they were unable to attend Gnomeapalooza.

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