IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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IPC COMMUNITY 37 SPRING 2024 IPC-7711/21 is the replacement guideline for IPC-R-700C, a document last updated in 1989. In 1998, Dan led the first meeting for the creation of IPC 7711/21 and recalls why R-700 needed to be updated. "We were using, like, two hair dryers to remove components by hot air at that time," he says. Technology had changed, and IPC-R-700 needed to be replaced. IPC-7711/21 is different from others in the IPC library. It is a guideline, not a standard, offering information on how to do rework and repair on boards and assem- blies. IPC-7711/21D provides easier-to-follow guidelines, new visual aids, procedures, tools, methods, and materials for restoring electronic assemblies. Each procedure has been reformatted to make it easier for the reader to understand, and the format is more in line with standards. "The big thing about 7711/21 is that it has pro- cedures, but they are flexible," Dan says. "We wanted to give people core procedures to use, and those can be modified. People tend to treat it like a standard, and we need to remind them that it is not." The first thing he tells others is to read the front of the book. "Nobody wants to, but we changed procedures with a simple note up front, stating whether procedures will work for lead or lead-free," Dan says. "But you need to understand the features—different fluxes and higher temps. We refer to all that in the front of the document. In revision D, you will see many changes to the General Information section of the document. Team Iron, the A-Team respon - sible for the content, worked to bring it up to date." Not only has the document changed to reflect new technology, but operators and technicians must build or update their skill set to perform the work. For Agnieszka, who trains to the guideline, this means anyone taking the course must first be carefully selected to determine whether they can perform the needed tasks. They must have IPC-J-STD-001 certification before they can become certified to IPC-7711/21. "If the person does not solder well, their rework may damage assemblies even more," Agnieszka says. "I advise managers that if the candidate has patience and diligence, they can be a great rework technician. When training for IPC-7711/21, I stress at the beginning of train- ing: Do not rush, and think before and during each step. Our boards are very expensive. Is the moisture out? Did I remove the conformal coating correctly? Which procedure will be the best?"

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