IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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Contents of this Issue


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IPC COMMUNITY 42 SPRING 2024 Korea, but also retains customers in countries including Israel, the United States, Turkey, Sin- gapore, and others. With its decision to enter the defense and aerospace sectors, EOS recognized the neces- sity for standardizing quality specifications. In South Korea, PCB manufacturing had tradition- ally relied on individual company requirements as the basis for production. This resulted in varying quality standards for different products. To address this issue, EOS identified four key international standards that formed the foun- dation of these quality criteria: • Japan: JAXA-QTS-2030 • Europe: ESCC-ST-Q-70-10 • United States: MIL-PRF-55110/IPC-A-600 • Korea: KS C IEC 60326, "Printed circuit board (PCC)" After examining various regulations, it became evident that everything referenced IPC stan- dards. To succeed in its domestic defense, aero- space, and satellite industries, and to achieve longevity as a company, EOS needed to focus on international standards rather than relying on the domestic market. Company leadership became convinced that the path to overseas expansion relied on mastering IPC specifica- tions. EOS quickly discovered a lack of awareness in South Korea about the standards. This expanded beyond PCB manufacturers to companies in the defense, aerospace, and satellite sectors, all oblivious to the existence and significance of IPC standards. A pivotal moment occurred in August 2006 when EOS found an overseas company willing to provide IPC specification training. Despite the costs of travel and time away, EOS immedi- ately sent engineers for training in IPC spec and quality management techniques. This decision marked a crucial turning point for EOS. Over the past 15 years, equipped with IPC standards, EOS has evolved into a company that competes for contracts with major domestic and international defense, aerospace, and satellite companies. By recognizing that IPC standards help ensure quality, reliability, and consistency in electronics manufacturing, EOS has become a valued member of the nearly 3,000 industry professionals participating in the development of IPC standards.

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