tures of Connection," delivered ideas on over-
coming negativity bias and fostering a culture
of appreciation. He offered practical strategies
for promoting positivity and recognition in the
On Thursday, Feb. 15, the final day of the sum-
mit, IPC Chief Economist Shawn DuBravac
shared insights into the future of the elec-
tronics industry in a keynote titled, "From
Now to Next: The Emerging Trends Reshaping
the Electronics Industry." After his prescient
presentation, it was all fun and games with
author and speaker Steve Baker's keynote and
workshop, "Get in the Game: How to Create
Rapid Financial Results and Lasting Cultural
Change." Attendees learned how to "gam-
ify" the workplace to increase employee
These were followed by Best Practice round-
tables, where attendees gained technical knowl-
edge from industry experts. The summit ended
with the Wine and Cheese Reception, which gave
everyone a final chance to network and chat
with their peers in the industry. Mitch Elbers
of Dakota Fluid Power emphasized the signif
icance of networking in addressing common
industry challenges such as employee retention
and supply chain issues. "At the summit," he said,
"we can bounce ideas off other companies in
the industry. We find solutions just by talking to
each other and sharing our experiences."
Also part of the event was the annual golf
outing. Despite the wind and cold, several
attendees vied for prizes including longest
drive, longest putt, best scoring team, and
closest to the pin off the drive.