PCB007 Magazine


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54 PCB007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2024 in 2025. is moderation in inflation reflects a confluence of factors, including improved supply chain dynamics, normalization of com- modity prices, and central bank policies aimed at price stability. Our Strategic Initiatives to Navigate These Changes e PCB industry is witnessing a paradigm shi with the rise of the C+1 strategy, empha- sizing diversification and resilience in supply chains. To address this demand, we have bol- stered our capabilities with a strengthened field application engineering (FAE) team boasting an average of 20 years of experience. is seasoned team is equipped to provide invaluable support in design optimization, value-engineer ing changes, and customer- centric solutions. In response to the complex PCB demand and the imperative for environmentally friendly options, we have strategically acquired three local factories. ese include two PCB fac- tories—one in Sweden and another in South Africa—and a keyboard factory in France. ese acquisitions cater to the C+1 demand and offer a more sustainable option with closer proximity to our clients, minimizing environ- mental impact and enhancing operational effi- ciency. Furthermore, we have forged partnerships with factories across Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia, including Portugal, Slovenia, Macedonia, the U.S., Mexico, Taiwan, ai- land, Vietnam, and South Korea. is network of partner factories enables us to leverage local expertise, optimize supply chains, and meet diverse customer requirements effectively. In alignment with our strategic vision, we have embarked on an ambitious expansion tra- jectory, with the opening and acquisitions of seven entities in 2023. Primarily focused on the U.S. and Europe, these initiatives reinforce our commitment to enhancing local presence, fos- tering innovation, and delivering exceptional value to our customers. Conclusion e PCB industry stands at the precipice of unparalleled growth and transformation, underpinned by technological innovation, market dynamics, and sustainability impera- tives. As investment surges into new manufac- turing facilities, advanced technologies, and sustainable practices, the industry is poised for continued expansion and evolution. Stake- holders must adeptly navigate the complexi- ties of the evolving landscape, leveraging agil- ity, resilience, and innovation to seize oppor- tunities for growth and differentiation in this dynamic and rapidly evolving sector. PCB007 Léa Maurel is the Americas marketing manager at ICAPE Group. Sponsored link: icape-group.com Léa Maurel

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