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130 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE IPC chief technology officer. This "advanced packaging" session aimed to provide a big picture of the needs for next-generation substrates, insights on the challenges of fabricating UHDI PCBs vs. IC substrates, and discussion on next-generation organic build-up substrate advancements and future substrate R&D needs and challenges. More than 150 people attended the session, which addressed the significant gap in substrate technology within the advanced packaging ecosystem in the U.S. Speakers at the session came from companies rep- resenting Intel, AT&S, Resonac, AMKOR, and Dai Nippon Printing. In my interview with Matt Kelly after the event, he said that most of the capabilities in the area of UHDI and IC-substrate packaging are coming from outside the United States. He emphasized the importance of material selection and equipment in substrate technologies, and that a shift in mindset and methodology is crucial for success. Our conversation provided insights into the gap between the U.S. and other regions in substrate technology. by Nolan Johnson • I-Connect007 As part of the Technical Conference for IPC and ECWC16, two special sessions took place on Thursday, April 11, at IPC APEX EXPO 2024, to highlight topics of particu- lar interest and focus in today's electronics conversations. Advanced Packaging The first was a morning session titled "Insights on Next-Gen Packaging: Needs for UHDI and IC Substrates," led by Matt Kelly, Two Special Sessions Matt Kelly Interview

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