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56 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 tion or short-circuiting adjacent paths. With most PCB manufacturing processes, registra- tion is done using a heavy-duty steel caul-plate with pins that keep the various layers in place. Each copper layer of the multilayer PCB is then stacked, bottom to top, on the caul-plate. Between each layer is an insulator that either the core that the copper was processed with (usually processed in pairs like layers 2 and 3) or layers of "prepreg," consisting of a com- posite of pre-impregnated glass fibers and a partially cured epoxy. e prepreg, which is solid during the layup process, partially lique- fies in the press when heat is added. is epoxy layer presents most of the challenges with designing for manufactur- ability. Material Considerations and Challenges e interaction of materials like copper and epoxy is a criti- cal step in the lamination process. Copper is generally smooth, which is ideal for electrical conductivity, but not ideal for getting epoxy to stick. To ensure a robust mechanical and chemical bond, a chem- ical process is necessary to roughen the copper to help the epoxy adhere better. One challenge that PCB design soware doesn't help with is pressure differentials. If more than 50–60% of the layers have corre- sponding copper pads, for instance, the alter- nating stack of copper and prepreg can create a high-pressure area on the PCB. is oen causes the prepreg's epoxy to be forced away from this area. Likewise, removal of copper from layers creates low-pressure areas that also tend to attract the flowing epoxy. is kind of epoxy build-up and uneven dis- tribution can cause a defect called delamina- tion, where the laminate ends up leaving gaps between layers. is can lead to catastrophic failures in the PCB, such as shorts or even fires. One strategy to mitigate this is to avoid creat- ing high pressure areas, i.e., stacking copper pads directly above one another through all layers. Design, Collaboration, and CAD Tools Collaboration between design engineers and manufacturers is essential to designing PCBs for manufacturing. Early discussions about stackup and material properties can pre- vent costly reworks. While modern CAD tools allow and even facilitate intricate designs, they do not necessarily simplify the manufacturing process. Under- standing the practical implica- tions of design choices is there- fore important. PCB design for manufac- turing is a delicate balance of technological insight, mate- rial science, and precision engineering. By under- s ta n d i ng a n d i m p l e - menting advanced regis- tration techniques, manag- ing material properties effec- tively, and early collaboration between designers and manufacturers, PCBs can be designed to be manufactured properly the first time around. For a deeper dive into the lamination pro- cess, listen to the lamination episode of On the Line with..., where we also discuss in more detail the challenges of heat application and the complexities of sequential lamination for high-density PCB designs. DESIGN007 Matt Stevenson is vice presi- dent and general manager of ASC Sunstone Circuits. To read past columns, click here. Download Matt's book, The Printed Circuit Designer's Guide to… Designing for Reality and listen to the podcast here. Collaboration between design engineers and manufacturers is essential to designing PCBs for manufacturing.

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