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46 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 What does true collaboration look like between design, fab, assembly, and component provider? In true collaboration, early BOMs are cleared with the supply chain, and are re-cleared at intervals throughout the design process— and not just for exotic parts. Sometimes pas- sives and other common parts have issues too. Supply chain may also know about new and upcoming parts that could simplify a design. Fab and assembly should be used from the start for ground rules. Complex footprints or pack- ages must be run past both fab and assembly for layout and manufacturing considerations. After the supply chain snafu a few years back, it seems like a no-brainer to keep your component supplier in the loop. Do you think designers are communicating more now with the component folks? Not really. Even during the worst of the troubles, engineers would oen pick components without thought to avail- ability. A tweak or redesign based on availability was too oen a last resort and probably still is. e draw of a hot new MCU or such always seems to over- ride the fact that more than prototype quantities are a year away. Since some designers still collaborate very little, if at all, with their down- stream partners, what is the first step toward setting up the ideal collabora- tion culture with fab, assembly, and component stakeholders? It's not likely to change unless manu- facturing and supply chain are treated as equals to design—starting back in school. I am of the mindset that engi- neering students should not have a parts drawer to dig through. ey need to be taught to order and talk with sup- ply, fab, and assembly for even the sim- plest designs. Senior engineers mentor- ing newcomers need to upgrade their thinking. It's a new world, and "design" needs to encompass far more than just connecting pins. Is there anything you'd like to add, Duane? Today and tomorrow's world of soware defines everything, AI everywhere, and the vast proliferation of specialized components has given designers so many options. But you must remember: If you can't buy it or solder it, that new advanced part may as well not exist. Thanks for speaking with me, Duane. ank you, Andy. DESIGN007 Duane Benson

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