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48 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 With the rapid advancements in modern technology, a new era of PCB design is emerg- ing, which includes the use of artificial intelli- gence (AI) and machine learning (ML). AI and ML have been all the rage in the news as they are becoming indispensable tools across vari- ous industries. Integrating AI and ML into the PCB design process not only elevates work- flows and processes but also enhances the reli- ability and performance of products developed by the electronics industry. For decades now, PCB designers could be seen spending countless hours grueling over Artificial Intelligence in PCB Design the meticulous and time-consuming process of designing the latest PCBs. Oen, the design could involve multiple iterations to achieve a product's desired performance and function- ality. However, with new advancements in AI and ML, the PCB design landscape is being completely transformed by automating several aspects of the design process. AI algorithms can analyze large amounts of data from previ- ous designs and apply previously taken infor- mation to developing projects. AI algorithms can suggest optimal layout designs, component placements, and routing paths. Using these The New Chapter by Hannah Grace, TEXAS INSTRUMENTS

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