PCB007 Magazine


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16 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 Feature Interview by Marcy LaRont I-CONNECT007 As our industry rallies around the call to action for HDI and UHDI, we find unparal- leled and myriad laminate options. is abun- dance is rivaled only by the question surround- ing them: Can they measure up to the high technology packaging demands required in our near future? Unsurprisingly, recent develop- ments in FR-4-esque materials for high-speed and high-density designs, as well as newer, glassless technology for replacing traditional glass-impregnated laminates and prepreg, are garnering much interest. I caught up with Alun Morgan, technology ambassador for Ventec International Group, to ask about the impend- ing "glassless revolution" and how it's poised to solve some of our manufacturing challenges. Marcy LaRont: Alun, can you explain glassless epoxy filler? Is it liquid? Alun Morgan: It's not liquid; it's a rubber-like Beyond Prepreg: The 'Glassless Revolution'

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