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76 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 As the demand for advanced electronics continues to soar, investment in the PCB sector is witnessing a remarkable uptick, with notable develop- ments reshaping the landscape. Concurrently, the emergence of new local PCB shops, defense contracts bolstering supply chain resilience, growth projections across different regions in 2024, and the inflation outlook collectively delineate the evolving panorama of PCB manufacturing. I reached out to Arvind Kumar to discuss his keynote presentation at the recent IMAPS conference where he discussed the AI hardware ecosystem and role of advanced packaging. Any new packages will require accurate and reliable placement on the EMS manufacturing floor. Arvind shares his perspective and some predictions based on his research. It is also clear there is still much coordination and communication needed to make this work. This strategic alliance underscores AIM Solder's commitment to advancing the electronics manufacturing industry through collaboration and innovation. The Ever-expanding Horizons of PCB Manufacturing: Global Trends and Local Impacts Chiplet Architecture for AI Will Create New Demands for Assembly AIM Solder Joins International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (iNEMI) TOP TEN EDITOR'S PICKS IPC's Kelly Allen and Carlos Plaza chat about the organization's workforce training courses. They discuss the importance of efficient onboarding, the challenges and opportunities in integrating new hires, and IPC's solutions for a smoother onboarding process. They also touch on expert involvement in IPC education and introduce new courses on component identification and standards. Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO 2024: IPC's Workforce Training and Onboarding Solutions Léa Maurel Carlos Plaza

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