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JULY 2024 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 23 Ron Gonzales: So, it's more interactive? at keeps everybody on point, keeps the attention, and keeps the ball rolling. at's fantastic to hear. Matties: The whole idea of onboarding today is to streamline the process, keep your best people on the floor, and let the systems and tools help you identify candidates who are strong in the areas you need. Ron Gonzales: To your point, Barry, obviously, post-solder is different than pre-solder, and both are different than SMT programming skill sets. We'll pick and choose who needs to be trained in what area, but we like to maximize because, at around 49–56 employees, we need to cross-train. People take days off: ey have kids, have a doctor's or other appointment, what h a v e y o u . T h e c r o s s - training means we can still have our production and throughput. Whether you're working for us here or not, training h e l p s y o u m a k e m o r e money. e more you can do for yourself, the more it helps you, our customers, and Revco as a whole. Hoyt: How do you measure the ROI of training, whether training produces the results you're looking for or not? Is training just for new hires, or is there something for existing employees? Salinas: We have ongoing training on the floor. Since technology and customer requirements are always evolving, our training must be ongoing. Our full-time staff is always learning, too. ere may be new materials we're using— new solders or fluxes—so that's ongoing. Ron Gonzales: Mike, regarding the ROI, we keep track of our external and internal defects with our ION Simpletrak quality system. We created internal rework cards and have them in different departments throughout the facility enabling employees to track and record non- conformances. is process complements IPC's latest revision of the standard regarding the defect codes per unique assembly. I f w e s t a r t t o s e e different trends occur with employees A and B, then you see the repeatability issues. Johnson: Yes, that makes sense. Thank you all. SMT007

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