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66 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 Bringing Two Cultures Together in PCB Manufacturing Welcome to my new column. My name is Tom Yang, and I am the CEO of CEE PCB, a family-owned global printed circuit board business. I was actually educated in California, earning my bachelor's and master's degrees in finance at Cal State. Aer graduating, I worked in investment banking for a while, then came to work at CEE, where I have been ever since. We are a family-owned business. My dad is the founder and chair of the company; my uncle heads the sourcing team. I first joined the purchasing team in 2019 when our Zhuhai factory was in the early stages of construction. I watched it being built and helped by selecting and installing all the new equipment. For the p a s t t h r e e ye a r s , I h av e spent most of my time at the headquarters in Huizhou, as well as visiting clients in mainland China and around the world once COVID restrictions were lied. Over the years, we have put together a great team at CEE. Our team works on the principle of "family-by-choice"; whether or not we are actually related, we operate as one big family, and we have valued these efforts over the years very much. During my years in America, I came to realize that many of the impressions we have in China about Americans are misconceptions. at same thing applies for the impressions that Americans have about China. In truth, I have found myself in the middle. I have Global Citizenship by Tom Yang, CEE PCB

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