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70 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 Article by Shavi Spinzi NANO DIMENSION/ESSEMTEC A new, high-quality BGA re-balling process, which is integrated into an all-in-one solu- tion of dispensing and placement equipment developed by Essemtec, brings new oppor- tunities for the reapplication of expensive BGA components. is new method seamlessly integrates the sequence of flux deposition and ball (sphere) placement with the subsequent soldering process. In this article, we explore the challenges, solutions, and impact on assembly with large BGA devices and propose a new technique appropriate for many electronics segments, including military, aerospace, computing, and communication. Innovative and Cost-effective BGA Re-balling The Need for BGA Re-balling ere are several reasons for BGA re-ball- ing, including economic, technological, relia- bility, sustainability, and specific industry requirements. • BGA components can be expensive. Salvaging and reusing these components through re-balling saves significant costs that would otherwise be spent on replacing them. is practice supports the circular economy by reducing waste and the need for disposal of unused components. • Re-balling BGAs contributes to sustain- ability by extending the lifecycle of electronic components. By reusing components, the demand for new

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