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JULY 2024 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 75 Analysis of Robotic Process Results Cross-sections of the BGA re-balling process were taken aer the reflow oven stage. e results indicate high quality and acceptable dimensions. Figure 7 shows an example of a cross-section for a 0.5 mm pitch re-balled BGA. Results: • Good solder joints are observed, with no anomalies identified • No solderability issues, cracks, damages, or any other issues were detected • Standoff (the height of BGA balls above the BGA bottom surface) is well within accepted tolerances • Height variation does not exceed 25 µm for 500 µm balls, which falls well within manufacturing tolerances Summary e all-in-one process capabilities, featuring integrated flux dispensing and accurate ball placement, enable a smooth, reliable, and fast BGA re-balling process. is process supports a variety of ball materials and dimensions, and by avoiding the accumulation of expensive scrap and promoting a circular economy, the all-in-one robotic BGA re-balling process proves to be a cost-effective method for reusing expensive BGA components. Additionally, it allows for the replacement of ball materials to meet specific design requirements. SMT007 Shavi Spinzi is VP of AME and PCB technologies at Nano Dimension/Essemtec. Figure 6: Left to right, BGA after flux; spheres placed on BGA; BGA after reflow. Figure 7: Cross-section and height measurement of the re-balling process.

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