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JULY 2024 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 77 When owners prepare to sell, the only legal advice I ever give is for them to get a good M&A lawyer, but here are some general things owners should consider. In today's rapidly changing business environment, distinguishing between distractions and critical elements can be the difference between success and stagnation. As businesses navigate technological advancements, shifting market dynamics, and evolving consumer behaviors, the ability to prioritize effectively has never been more essential. Palash Vyas is a recent doctoral graduate from Auburn University, and a past president of the IPC Student Chapter at Auburn. This is the first installment of a three-part series. As automotive applications, 5G and 6G, smart devices and many others require ever more compact and powerful components, advanced packaging becomes one of the key technologies. ASMPT combines semiconductor and SMT production in a single machine that makes it possible to integrate the production of SiPs (system-in-package modules) directly into the SMT line. "Made in India" was a central phrase at EWPTE 2024. The wire harness event hosted the inaugural "India Pavilion" which showcased Indian wire harness companies on the exhibit floor. It would be near impossible to cover every last nook and cranny of important discussions, outcomes, and future-looking plans that occurred during our Factory of the Future standards committee meetings, but we will do our best to provide a textual highlight reel for the week. For the latest news and information, visit The Knowledge Base: The Difference Between Critical and Distracting Decision-making My Experience as an International Student Taking Standards and Industry Into a Future Age Growing Wire Harness Industry in India Highlighted at EWPTE 2024 Punching Out: Breaking Down Legal Preparations for M&A ASMPT Combines High-speed Chip Assembly Directly from the Wafer with SMT Placement in a Single Machine Palash Vyas

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