IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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Contents of this Issue


Page 65 of 105

IPC COMMUNITY 66 SUMMER 2024 Standards Update Newly Published Standards and Revisions IPC-A-610J Acceptability for Electronic Assemblies IPC-A-610J is the most widely used electronics assembly acceptance standard in the electronics industry. Participants from 31 countries provided their input and expertise to create this document. IPC-A-610J is a must-have standard for inspectors, operators, and others interested in the acceptance criteria for electronic assemblies. IPC-J-STD-001J Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies IPC-J-STD-001J is recognized globally for its criteria on soldering processes and materials. Updated with participants from 27 countries pro- viding input and expertise. IPC-J-STD-001J is a must-have for those in the electronics industry with an interest in the process and acceptance criteria for electrical and electronic assemblies. IPC-J-STD-004D Requirements for Soldering Fluxes IPC-J-STD-004D prescribes general require- ments for the classification and characterization of fluxes for high-quality solder interconnections. It may be used for quality control and procure- ment purposes. IPC-J-STD-005B Requirements for Solder Paste IPC-J-STD-005B lists the requirements for qual- ification and characterization of solder paste. It references test methods, criteria, and metal con- tent, viscosity, slump, solder ball, tack, and wet- ting of solder pastes. Additional support is pro- vided in IPC-HDBK-005, Guide to Solder Paste Assessment. IPC-4562B Specification for Metal Base Copper-clad Laminates for Printed Boards IPC-4562A covers metal-unsupported foils and foils supported by carrier films suitable for subsequent use in printed boards. IPC-4562B addresses the requirements of metal foils used in printed wiring applications. IPC-4922 Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electrical and Thermal Interconnects IPC-4922 prescribes general minimum require- ments for the classification and testing of sinter- ing materials for reliable electrical and thermal interconnects. The standard is a sintering materi- als classification, quality assurance, and procure- ment document for sintering materials. To view a complete list of newly published standards and standards revisions, translations, proposed standards for ballot, final drafts for industry review, working drafts, and project approvals, visit ipc.org/status

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